Minimize injuries and achieve your highest athletic performance
Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a high performance athlete, it is important to maintain your body physically and nutritionally no matter your age to achieve optimum performance and minimize injuries. Our natural health care center is dedicated to providing a thorough evaluation, then treating with the best therapy or combination of therapies that will target the cause, not just the symptom. Unleash your highest potential at ABD sports!
A key component to staying injury free and achieving peak performance is ensuring that your skeletal, muscular and fascial systems are functioning at optimal levels. Did you know tightness is a first sign that one or all of these systems are imbalanced?
From fueling to recovery, muscle building to weight making optimal nutrition ensures the best platform for your sporting success, at whatever level you participate. With countless supplementation options, how do you know what your body needs and how long you need it?
Emotions & Stress
Emotions & stress impact every single cell of the body whether you’re aware of it or not. Helping the body decrease the effects of stress is critical for injury healing and optimizing performance. Did you know 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related injuries?
Toxins accumulate in our fat cells and disrupt normal function of the body. Our brain is 70% fat. Toxins in your brain and in your body will have a dramatic effect on your performance from both a mental and physical stand point, thus decreasing your ability to perform at your best. How do you protect yourself from the toxins you’re exposed to daily?
Electrical Pollution
Our bodies have their own electromagnetic fields that need to stay synchronized with the natural rhythms of the earth, moon & sun. Living in a technological age has exposed our bodies to an ocean of electromagnetics that stress our bodies to the point of exhaustion. You must protect yourself from harmful electromagnetics to achieve optimum performance.
Allergy / Sensitivity
Based upon research, 35 million people in the US suffer from allergies/sensitivities of different kinds. Most people don’t even know they have sensitivities as the reaction is delayed up to 72 hours after exposure to the offending substance. Athlete’s immune systems are already suppressed from rigorous training. In order to stay healthy & perform at your best, allergies and sensitivities must be addressed or they will keep triggering your immune system back into interference.