Welcome to ABD – Advanced Body Dynamics Functional Health and Sports Medicine. We are a cause versus symptom based clinic. We can treat symptoms but at ABD we want to find out what is actually causing your problem. Are you having general health concerns? Are you an active lifestyle enthusiast? Are you a competitive athlete? Are you injured? Would you like to perform at your very best? Would like to lose weight or work on anti-aging? Dr. Kelly and her team have a genuine concern for your overall health and level of performance. We take an integrated whole body approach with our cutting edge technology using low force Chiropractic (Activator Methods), MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques), Customized Nutrition and Dietary plans through Comprehensive Bloodwork, Hair Analysis and Urine Tests, Kinesiotaping, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Far Infrared Sauna just to name a few. Being healthy is no accident. Live Your Best Life – Average Is Not An Option!
Conveniently located at I-25 & Dry Creek, close to Top Golf since 2005, we serve Centennial, Englewood, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Littleton, Greenwood Village, Castle Pines, Aurora and the Greater Denver Areas. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
Chiropractic Care
Muscle Activation Technique™
Clinical Nutrition
Problems show up in the blood long before you have signs or symptoms. Our blood, hair and urine tests will show deficiency and imbalances in the body.