1. Apricots
  2. Avocados
  3. Raspberries
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Cantaloupe
  6. Cranberry juice
  7. Raisins
  8. Figs
  9. Lemons/limes
  10. Onions
  11. Artichokes
  12. Ginger
  13. Broccoli
  14. Spinach
  15. Bok choy
  16. Pumpkin or squash
  17. Garlic
  18. Arugula
  19. Wheat germ/oatmeal
  20. Quinoa
  21. Nuts & peanuts
  22. Lentils
  23. Yogurt & skim milk
  24. Salmon & shrimp

How many of these foods are you consuming on a daily basis?  How about on a weekly basis?  We always can have room for improvement.  Do the best you can at adding at least one food off of this list consistently into your diet on a weekly basis and before you know it, you’ll be getting all of these Superfoods!